Sunday, January 26, 2020

Kierkegaards View On Faith And Knowledge

Kierkegaards View On Faith And Knowledge Kierkegaard, the father of existentialism, is often seen as a philosophical iconoclast, who rejects excessive formalism and instead believes in the subjectivity of the autonomous individual; autonomy for him is the best guide to what people should do ethically and ethics could in its turn enable the individual to approach knowledge through faith. This philosopher was thus often concerned with the nature of truth and knowledge especially in regard to articles of faith. It is commonly known that biblical Christianity is founded on the truths of Gods word. Kierkegaards claim that knowledge or truth can be achieved through subjectivity is therefore at first glance incomprehensibly elusive. However, it should be taken into account that Kierkegaard is basing his ideas on a criticism of Hegels approach to the nature of absolute knowledge. Hegel claimed namely that human beings could possess absolute knowledge and certainty through a careful and rational analysis of human existence. John Cli macus, a 7th century monk, argued in his turn against this idea by noting that an acceptance of this approach would imply that knowing is more important for Christians than believing; two acts that are very different at the core because of the qualitative difference between knowledge and faith. (Garrett) Kierkegaards major emphasis in this regard is that Christian life is founded on more than a simple belief in an orthodox doctrine. For this reason, when Kierkegaard underlines the need for subjectivity to reach knowledge he is merely claiming that all human beings must appropriate the truth of whatever they believe if it is truly to take hold of their lives. (Garrett). In short, Kierkegaard argues thus that a rational life is indeed a moral life, and a moral life is a religious life. Morality and ethics consequently inevitably lead to religion. Under such a supposition, the ethical individual would surmise his task as becoming less the individual or particular and more the universal (JSTOR 161). The goal becomes the unification of the particular and the universal. Under such a unity, truth is revealed as truth is in what is ethical, and what is ethical is determined by reason. Contrasting Kierkegaards views with the Kantian approach to faith and knowledge enables also for a closer understanding of the philosophers ideas. To Kierkegaard is it not Kantian reason which leads to God but faith. One cannot make a rational decision towards that which has no facts, no proof, and no certainty. The ethical thrives on the certainty of truth through reason. The religious cannot have such a luxury. It is not rational decision-making, rather, it is faith. Kierkegaard refers to the transition from the ethical to the third stage as the Leap of Faith. The Leap of Faith is the third stage in Kierkegaards theory of overcoming the paradox which is an apparently true statement that however leads to a contradiction or a situation that goes against ones intuition. It can only be resolved when the contradiction is shown as apparent. Kierkegaards story of Abraham exhibits such a paradox. Abraham could not prove he heard a voice yet he believed and was willing to risk his son based on this belief. Through Abrahams story Kierkegaard shows that the paradox of faith rests on the idea that the believer acts on less than complete knowledge. Kierkegaard believed however that humans ought to have faith by the virtue of the absurd, which is because something is contradictory at nature. (Kierkegaard) The leap of faith, that is often associated with the emergence of existentialism, is therefore Kierkegaards response to a problem which is essentially Kantian in origin and structure. Kierkegaard wants to accommodate both the Kantian interpretation of morality as a rational command and Kants insistence on morality as the sole point of access to religion, while rejecting the Kantian moralization of religion and rationalization of faith. The leap of faith is not, as existentialism would have it, an absolute beginning in philosophy or in individual reflection but a transition from morality to religion within an essentially Kantian context. This point is not only of historical but also of systematic value. From the standpoint of Kantian philosophy its value lies in the attempt to establish a connection between morality and religion which preserves morality as a rational command but which also avoids the Kantian reduction of religion to morality and faith to reason. From the standpoint of Kierkegaards existentialists successors it advances the argument that morality understood as a rational command is that condition without which the subject can make no progress toward objective and universal truth, which leads to its avoidance of the separation of reason and choice and ends consequently in subjectivism. Kierkegaard sees faith as the abandonment of all else before it in order to wholly accept it. One cannot coldly and rationally choose to accept faith because it has the greatest utility or merit. This would still be the ethical stage in religious clothing. The third stage, according to Kierkegaard, needs passion to survive; it needs the unknown, and the Leap of Faith. If the particular is not faithfully accepted but is rather critically scrutinized, then the religious stage will inevitably suffer the same fate of a moral dilemma that deprives the ethical stage from eternal happiness. According to Kierkegaard, the religious stage is spared only by the ethical paradox through faith. . It is interesting to note that while philosophers as Kant believe that morality and religion are one so the jump is seamless, Kierkegaard believes the step requires an evolution of thought because one cannot move from a set of moral premises to a religious conclusion if morality, which is expressed concep tually, is understood as commands based on reason while religion, which is expressed paradoxically, is understood as promise based on faith (JSTOR 164). Kierkegaards views regarding the nature of rational knowledge attainment through faith rests thus on several principles as has been illustrated. The Leap of faith has been discussed. Another aspect to his ideas is the ethical individual as part of this complicated process. The ethical individual must be like a judge, closely and impartially evaluating all information and evidence presented before making an educated decision. The imagery of the judge represents the epitome of rationalist ideology. He is a character which tries to equate ethics with rational decisions. The judge seeks to distance his self from social relations and personal desires so that he is like a force of nature. With such impartiality, he hopes that he can logically deduce the correct decision to any situation like an artificial intelligence. The judge attempts to watch the scales of relative merit and announce ones choice only after observing a clear tip in one direction. It is, the Judge might say, a foolproof method for determining which choice will produce the most appropriate action (Friedman 160). Through such certainty, an ethicist could be said to demystify the world. One who can act without doubt and knows exactly what decision to make. If a person was truly capable of such power, they could be said to be making their self into that of the divine, with omniscient knowledge In conclusion, whereas as other theorists who argue against secular enlightenment, such as Immanuel Kant, would say that the individual has a logical inescapable path to religion based on factual reasoning, Kierkegaard disagrees. Kierkegaard soundly rejects such assumptions when he declares: I do not believe that Kant himself, or any of his successors, have managed to show that any serious moral constraint can be derived from simply considering the conditions of rational agency. Nor do I think that this can be done. What follows rests on the premise that the Kantian project is a failure (Rudd 13). According to Kierkegaard, is it not rational thought or morality which leads to God, but rather faith alone. The ethical depends on certainty of truth through reason, but the religious cannot have such a luxury. They depend on the very suspension of reason and certainty of knowledge; they depend on faith. This transition from the ethical to the religious is what Kierkegaard refers to as the Leap of Faith. The Leap requires one to accept that their capabilities alone are insufficient, and that only by placing their faith in God can they hope to achieve true knowledge.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Relationships Between Society and Religion Essay

The relationship between religion and society has provided the focus for some of the greatest works of sociology (one thinks of Durkheim, Pareto, and Weber, as well as Marx and Parsons). Samuel Delbert, a Canadian sociologist, rebelled against what he saw as the static concerns of American sociologists, trained his eyes on the process of social change, and placed the study of religion as a major item on the agenda of social analysis in Canada. In three important works, Clark argues that the changing structure of religious organization provided a measure of the pace and character of social change. Clark undoubtedly made the study of religion an important topic in Canadian sociology. At the same time, however, his work intended to limit the range of sociological concerns by linking the study of religion to questions of the forms of religious organization and politics (Artibise, 1990). The Essence of Religion In order to further understand the context between the relationship between religion and society, it becomes clear only after we have determined the basic essence of religion, that which is common to them all. Many different attempts to conceptualize the essence of religions have been made. These definitions usually reflect the viewpoint of the defining subject more than the essence of the defined object. When, for instance, Immanuel Kant defines religion as the â€Å"fulfillment of all of our duties as divine commands,† this doesn’t reflect the essence of religion which is concerned with a completely different sphere, but rather the rationalistic standpoint of Kant, for whom religion is essentially theonomic ethics. Often the essence of a specific historical religion is held up as the ideal and norm for all religion (Mensching, 1976). Prophecy presupposes a relationship between religion and society that conflicts profoundly with established religion. Established religion sees religion as the sacred ideology of the established social order. It is the â€Å"handmaiden† of the ruling class. It pronounces the established social order to be created by God and to be a reflection of the divine will (Riemer, 1996). The Founding Fathers In their sociological writing, Marx, Weber, and Durkheim were responding to the economic and social changes of the 19th and early 20th centuries, timely more often than not by the disastrous effects that fleeting industrialization had imposed on the European community of which they were sector. The course of religion could scarcely be averted with this foundation, for religion was seen as an important area of the society that seemed to be shifting beyond identification. By at least a period, Karl Marx (1818-83) predates the other. There are known two important factors in the Marxist thoughts on religion: The first is descriptive, the second evaluative. His dependent variable is religion; in other words, its structure and nature are liable on social and most importantly economic relations, which constitute the foundation of social examination. It can never be understood separate from the economic form and the association of the capitalist or worker to the basis of formulation. The second factor connects from this however, has an assessing component. Religion is said to be a form of indifference or alienation; it is a symptom of social malformation which disguises the exploitative relationships of capitalist society. Religion persuades people that such relationships are natural and, therefore, acceptable. It follows that the real causes of social distress cannot be tackled until the religious element in society is stripped away to reveal the injustices of the capitalist system; everything else is a distraction. Subsequent debates concerning Marx/s approach to religion have to be approached with care. It has become increasingly difficult to distinguish between (a) Marx’s own analysis of religious phenomena, (b) a subsequent school of Marxism as a form of sociological thinking, and (c) what has occurred in the twentieth century in the name of Marxism as a political ideology. The essential and enduring point to grasp from Marx himself us that religion cannot be understood apart from the world of which it is a part; this is a crucial sociological insight and central to the evolution of the sub discipline. It needs, however, to be distinguished from an over deterministic interpretation of Marx that postulates the dependence of religion on economic forces in mechanical terms; this is unhelpful. The final point is more political. It may indeed be the case that one function of religion is to mitigate the very evident hardships of this world and so disguise them.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Critical Analysis Of Friedrich Nietzsches Beyond Good And...

In a selection from â€Å"Beyond Good and Evil†, Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher and philologist critiques the secular and religious moralities as having similar origins. In the beginning of â€Å"Beyond Good and Evil†, Nietzsche says that if the world was â€Å"to refrain mutually from injury, from violence, from exploitation, and put ones will on a par with that of others†, it would result in somewhat of a sense in good conduct between people, if the conditions necessary to do so are given. Nietzsche explains that these conditions are â€Å"the actual similarity of the individuals in amount of force and degree of worth, and their co-relation within one organization.† He pretty much says that for there to be good conduct between people, these†¦show more content†¦To Nietzsche, life is pretty much the Will to Power. Nietzsche transitions to talk about the European outlook on the matter. Nietzsche states â€Å"the ordinary consciousness of Europeans more unwilling to be corrected than on this matter, people now rave everywhere, even under the guise of science, about coming conditions of society in which the exploiting character is to be absent.† Here, he’s basically saying that Europeans seem to be so stubborn on this matter because they don’t want to be corrected. They don’t understand that time is changing and don’t want to accept it either. To Nietzsche, this sounds like the Europeans have created a type of life where they reject all natural functions in the world. The term â€Å"exploitation† does not belong to an imperfect society with many problems within it. It belongs to the living being as a primary natural function. As a consequence, it is a part of the Will to Power, which leads to the Will to Life. Nietzsche believes that this is a fundamental fact and people should be honest towards themselves about this matter. When observing the many types of moralities presented to him, Nietzsche found traits that reappear in many of the moralities presented to him. These traits showed up regularly together and connected with each other. He connected all of these traits until there were only two types of moralities that wasShow MoreRelated Marx and Nietzsches Theories Essay3981 Words   |  16 PagesMarx and Nietzsches Theories Society is flawed. There are critical imbalances in it that cause much of humanity to suffer. In, the most interesting work from this past half-semester, The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx is reacting to this fact by describing his vision of a perfectly balanced society, a communist society. Simply put, a communist society is one where all property is held in common. No one person has more than the other, but rather everyone shares in the fruits of their labors. MarxRead MoreBeyond the Problem of Evil Essay6495 Words   |  26 PagesBeyond the Problem of Evil Introduction: The problem of evil is, in my opinion, the best point of departure for a fruitful dialogue between Christianity, traditionally conceived, and those strands of modern philosophy which have been perceived--indeed, have sometimes perceived themselves--as a threat to that tradition. As such, I will attempt first, to outline the problem of evil in the starkest terms possible, presenting Augustines approach to its solution followed by a critical analysis;Read More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essay examples4094 Words   |  17 Pagesan old myth to be dramatized, Sophocles’ primary question was, ‘Just what sort of people were they, must they have been, who naturally did and suffered what the tales say they did and suffered?† That was his method of analysis (38).    In his essay â€Å"Sophoclean Tragedy† Friedrich Nietzsche searches out the mythology in this drama, and finds that the story originates in Persia:    Oedipus who murders his father and marries his mother. Oedipus who solves the riddle of the Sphinx! What doesRead More Mythology in Oedipus Rex Essays3980 Words   |  16 Pagesmust they have been, who naturally did and suffered what the tales say they did and suffered?† That was his method of analysis (38).    The Greek Sophoclean tragedy Oedipus Rex is based on a myth from the Homeric epic Odysseus. With his tragic flaw the protagonist, Oedipus, lives out the main episodes of the Homeric myth.    In his essay â€Å"Sophoclean Tragedy† Friedrich Nietzsche searches out the mythology in this drama, and finds that the story originates in Persia:    OedipusRead Morewisdom,humor and faith19596 Words   |  79 PagesEurope, Russia, and the United States, and finally analyze the relationship between wisdom, humor, and faith. Wisdom, Perspective, and Values Although definitions of wisdom often include an ability to make good judgments regarding life and conduct, these good judgments themselves flow from good perspectives and values. Wisdom scholar Copthorne Macdonald has noted that wisdom involves certain mental states and ways of perceiving, such as: seeing things clearly; seeing things as they are deeply understanding

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Entrepreneurial Business Assignment - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1649 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Narrative essay Level High school Did you like this example? Business Assignment Entrepreneur Semester: 2 Kelly Hoppen MBE born in July 1959, and she is a famous designer around the world and she started her career in 1976. At the beginning, she got the work of the actor Martin Shaw and racing drivers. Only a small shop of she took in about  £1 million in 2004(Rozhon, 2004), and her Notting Hill residence is valued about  £6 million(SPEARà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢S, 2014). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Entrepreneurial Business Assignment" essay for you Create order At later period, the Kelly Hoppen were inspired by Chinese culture and started the East-Meets-West design concept which helped her get a new level of the design(Rutter, 2014). As entrepreneur author, designer and educator, Kelly Hoppen did a successful job, and her took apart in the BBC program à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Dragonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Denà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢, a show of investment(JEWISHNEWS, 2013). There are four companies belong to the Kelly Hoppen, Kelly Hoppen Limited, Kelly Hoppen Interior Limited, Kelly Hoppen Furniture Distribution Limited and Kelly Hoppen For YOO Limited(LINKEDIN, 2015). Kelly Hoppen started her company at 17 years old, and Kelly Hoppen Limited only has 35 people today(Paton, 2007). The companies of Kelly Hoppen provided a lot of the products, one for interior design and one for furniture retailed, etc(KELLYHOPPEN, 2015). But all these companies about the design, and focus on the interior design. The company is divided to the small companies, so the managers of one company could more focus on an aspect and work more efficiently. The small companies about a brand and around one topic, which about the interior, also increase the brand influence, market share and the customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ groups(KELLYHOPPEN, 2015). The Kelly Hoppen series companies enter a market which has verity customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ sorts, and which only faces to limited customers. Kelly Hoppen companies design the luxury and pretty interior rooms, and expensive furniture. As time goes by, the Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s popularity increases, and her market size decreases, because of the price. Most people needs the interior design for their home, but not many persons who need interior deign want to pay the high price for decoration. So the large part of Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s customers should have wish to own a luxury and graceful home, and the able to consume the high fees for their house. But for many people, it is even hard to own a house. At the begin, Kelly Hoppen company focus on the clothes design and the dressing aspect. When the company grew up, the Kelly Hoppen adapt her ability to a wider range. The new member entered the market of the furniture, and this green hand start to show its power and gift. Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s design is different style with other furniture, and this grace and special style got the lot of appreciate, even the Chinese market started to realize the Kelly Hoppen style. Kelly Hoppen catch the needs of the social public, because of the pressure, Kelly Hoppen got the great chance. She always mentions the home should be the warmest place for people, especially the person who got tired to fight with challenges on jobs. After the furniture company, Kelly Hoppen series also reached the market of interior. And this company of interior also put the customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ personal feeling at the first. Form these companies, more and more people agree the graceful, relaxing, war m and luxury style by Kelly Hoppen. For the market needs, Kelly Hoppen retail company issued later. And now Kelly Hoppen series more focus on furniture. Most people would like to live in a beautiful and graceful house, especially when it is a masterpiece of an honourable MBE designer, but not the every one has the able to afford that(Hoppen, 2014). As the mention above, the Kelly Hoppen style is a luxury style, this famous designer is good at the application of the luxury materials. Her design the First Class of the UK airplane and the plushest house for the rich people or respective people. That is a limitation of the market and customers group. But at the retailed online store of the Kelly Hoppen furniture also provides plenty of goods which are popular in mass and become the favorite of some housewives. The most important reason of that, is because they are able to pay for what their liked. Kelly Hoppen Companies are a series business, but not only one individual company , that is reasonable. In these companies, products designing follows the Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s main thought, but on several directions. Actually, if the products were not designed by Kelly Hoppen, but under her name, people will think about the Kellyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s honour and achievement, so they will purchase the products just like Kelly designed it. So the name of the Kelly became an advertising and a brand. Even if a half century pasted, Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s story will still attract the customers and became a classic story, some points are similar with Coco Channel. Another reason for departing the companies is because the adventures of small companies. In a small company, the staffs are easy to talk their idea and do the decision efficiently. The last reason of this because, when a big company be divided to small parts, so the products of the brand spread to a larger space, the market share and customersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ impression will both incre ase. And most important, these small companies will focus on their small aspects and do the plan and promotion, that is a better way than one company do a lot of various jobs. The Kelly Hoppen used to be a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"dragonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ of the BBC Dragonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Den program. From this program, Kelly invested some products, and it also a good way to increase the entrepreneurà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility and the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s size, etc. There is a list of the companies and products that Kelly Hoppen has invested.(KELLYHOPPEN, 2015) Companies Products Cleanheels Heels Stopper PHOM A box of tea Skinny Tan skinny tan Reviveaphone reviveaphone theRunningmat running mat Table 1 The Kelly Hoppen Company like to follow the Kellyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s style, so the companies of the Kelly like her style, simple but wealthy, it means efficient method of dealing the problems.and the food results. The Kelly Hoppen also building a school for interior, so the students form the school are affected by the Kelly Hoppen. When some students became her staffs, they will keep the Kellyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s style. In the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s website, Kelly Hoppen MBE is a designer, an entrepreneur, an author and an educator. The major direction of company is the Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s designing thoughts, the production of the company is follow the Kelly Hoppen designing style. And she produced a APP on Iphoneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s market which can help more and more people to realize the Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s style(TheNewYorkTimes, 2015). The New York Times reported Kelly Hoppen as a British designer who is expending her empire to the coloni es (TheNewYorkTimes, 2004). The Kelly Hoppen companiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ USPs are the same, i.e, the Kelly Hoppenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s responsibility, the honour and her talent on the design. Because of that means the customers of Kelly increased their position between their neighbors. Besides that, people also like productsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ style and appearance to fulfill. The Kelly Hoppen is a kind of the a paternlistics style, because the most of the plans in the companies needs teh Kelly Hoppen to make the final decisions and the process. So the staffs need to obey her plan and design, so they van make a successful jobs. But the companies of the Kelly usually have small number of the employee, so her some time will listen to the substitutes and care about them,. So the leader style of Kelly Hoppen should be paternalistic, it is a result of the long period business running. But in the current years, especially the year 2012 and 2013, her companiesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ sales are 160,000, and thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s not a good result, her customers target is a struggle of products(Rozhon, 2004). From the analysis, Kelly Hoppen, no debt, is a very talented designer and a premeditated foreseer in the business. The most successful point of the Kelly is her accurate felling of the the customers needs and did the best choice in most times. That also a proof of successful business person should have the particular able to deal with their enterprise. Words accounts: 1364 Bibliography . Rutter, C. 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Paton, M. (2007) Kelly Hoppen: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Ià ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ve had a amazingly colourful lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢. The Telegraph. [Online] 5th October. p.1. Available from: en-Ive-had-an-amazingly-colourful-life.html [Accessed: 15th March 2015] 10). Rozhon, T. (2004) Aiming to Surpass Stewart and Kmartà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Price Tags. The New York Times. [Online] 15th March. p.1. Available from: http s:// [Accessed: 14th March 2015] 11). THENEWYORKTIMES.(2015) Kelly Hoppen to Present Keynote Session at Catalyst Europe 2015. The New York Times. [Online] 11th February. p.1. Available from: [Accessed: 15th March 2015] 12). SPEARà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢S. (2014) Kelly Hoppen net worth. [Online] Available from: [Accessed: 12th March 2015]